Monday, July 18, 2011

Final Photos

This picture was taken at the airport in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic on my vacation last year. I chose an airplane because I love to travel. 

I chose this picture of the Chrysler Building in NYC to represent my love for the city and state where I grew up. 

I have been a dancer for the majority of my life and that is what I enjoy doing the most.

Palm trees to me represent the beach, which represents serenity.

I can not live without my cocoa butter swivel stick. I literally bring it with me everywhere and constantly apply it. 

This picture of the castle in Disney World is one of my favorites. Throughout my life I have been to Disney around 40 times.
"Sempre Ballare" means "always dancing"in Italian. It is a tattoo I have on my foot, shared with my sisters and cousin who are all dancers as well.

These are my nieces and nephew. They mean the world to me.

This is my dog Mia. She's 5 years old, and I spend as much time as I can playing with her.